All the world to me
Its the fourth of July. If that doesn’t mean anything specific to you, let me tell you, its the American national day. Yeah, it snuck up on me too! It is sometimes conflicting to be an American abroad. Everyday I walk past building that are older than our Constitution. We may not have the best reputation around the world. The average American tourist is not exactly rocking the off-the-catwalk fashions. I digress. On this day, what do I want to teach my little ones about their American heritage? That I do not yet know. So today we are focusing on the food. BBQ anyone?
On a separate topic, my little darling boy is 8 months old tonight. Wow! Luckily he woke a bit early from his nap so I could snap some pictures. I love his expressions, early laugh and complete momma’s boy approach to life. Here’s to baby X.

Ta ta for now

Pages and pages

Squishy face
