Go Local
Even as a photographer, I am loathed to drag my big camera out for family vacations. It just does not do getting lugged from sight to sight, thrown around with sandy beach towels and jostling with iPads, jars of baby food and books as precious carry on. That might be the reason that most vacation moments are either stuck in my head or on my iPhone. Not that I am in them anyhow. What a pity!
That is why I was so excited to be contacted by a fledgling start up called Localgrapher. An idea born in Prague when a solo traveller contacted the founder, Matej, to be photographed around his city. Just exploring, taking in the sights and enjoying her adventure. Since this inspiration, Matej has put together a team of photographers (myself included) in dozens of cities. San Francisco, Hong Kong, Vienna, Sao Paulo, etc – a dreamy list indeed. You can leave your camera behind and instead be photographed by a friendly professional who can also give you some great tips on what to do in their city. Why didn’t I think of that?
Check out their website and you might find a (very embarrassing) video of myself talking about what to wear for a photoshoot. Urgh, definitely more suited for behind the camera work. Travel, have fun, get amazing pictures taken. Ta da!