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Annoucing Bear & Dragon Adventures: How to Catch a Star

Writer's picture: Nicole GustafssonNicole Gustafsson
A beautiful adventure

A beautiful adventure

Sunday mornings are for late wakings, slow sipping coffee, trips to the market and storytelling. I hope you have the first three checked off because here comes the  last.

This summer in Sweden, I thought I would pack away my camera and not touch it for the full three weeks. Separation makes the heart fonder and all. Well I was WRONG. Sweden in the summer, and all through the Nordics for that matter, are a wonderland of forest, wildflowers, long sunrises (waaay too early) and even longer sunsets (just perfect). The gentle sweeping of barley fields made for an irresistible setting. A trip to a local lopis (rummage shop) reviewed two bug catching nets and a story was born.

How to Catch a Star is the debut of a new Bear & Dragon offering, Bear & Dragon Adventures. This is a more stylized type of session where we develop a fantasy, style it with a special look and props and create a wonderland for play and adventure. The editing approach is equally fantastical. Your child as art. The first event will be announced early next year and set in one of the lush rooms inside the Chateau at Domaine Solvay. The theme will be Royals. If you have a little princess or prince who’s dream is sweeping into their own castle this is the one for you. 🙂

As the weather has taken a turn for the frigid, I hope this sweet tale warms you all the way through. Happy Sunday.

First make a wish

First make a wish

A partner is a must

A partner is a must

Set out with determination and love in your heart

Set out with determination and love in your heart

Search high and low

Search high and low

Close your eyes and feel

Close your eyes and feel

Never give up

Never give up

Follow the last rays of the sun

Follow the last rays of the sun

Fill your heart with joy and they will come to you!

Fill your heart with joy and they will come to you!

There they are!

There they are!

Give chase, soar

Give chase, soar

Almost got them!

Almost got them!

Now slow down and wait

Now slow down and wait

A beautiful dance begins

A beautiful dance begins

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